calling all artists for E.A.S.T.

Hot Mama’s Café is proud to host what is sure to be the biggest stop on the 2010 East Austin Studio Tour and you are invited to be part of the fun. Mama is bringing together more than 40 artists, performers, and businesses for this year’s tour and all artists are encouraged to showcase their work at Hot Mama’s and The Pedernales Condos.

This year’s tour will take place over two weekends- November 13/14 and 20/21.

There is no entry fee to participate and Mama will not take a commission from your sales. Let Mama do all the hard work and all you have to do is show up and share your art.

Please email or call Mama’s E.A.S.T. coordinator, Dawn, at or 512-619-3247 to sign up and get more information.

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